Wiha ratcheting wrench setAll rights reserved. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. Why not install rainmeter, add a dot and make it over all aplication layers so it's visible at all times. If it just forces itself to be atop of any other program and not linked with ingame files anyhow so it is safe.I am myself using AIMP that forces "now playing" bar on top of the screen even in game and yet everything is fine. You can just cut a thin piece of post-it note and stick it on the monitor, that works better with the high contrast bloom most environment and chaos would give. The crosshair will only get in your way and block view. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines.Asked by TheOnlyTick.Why DE decided to go with a tiny white dot and give us no customization options is baffling, but that's a discussion for another time.

Crosshair is not bad since you will miss anyway, but aimbot cheat or infinite ammo cheat makes the game boring for others in coop game.Last edited by LuckyDude 10 Sep, pm. Default editor in midnight commanderThat being said, imagine what can happen to your account, and all the games on it, if you try to use 3rd party software for that kind of stuff :D. #Game Crosshair Overlay How To Place Any.I'd say the game is more fun without crosshairs but das just me. Probably cause the 1st game had no crosshairs. Believe in me, the faster your insticts learn the middle of your screen, the better it will be.Frisky View Profile View Posts. Access the extension in the Xbox Game Bar by pressing Windows Key + G and activating the extension in the Widget Menu.Store Page.Hank View Profile View Posts. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question.Click here to jump to that post. Turn that crosshair off! Originally posted by Puppy. Odia Serial Durga Hero Heroine Real Name. In this video I teach you how to place any crosshair above your game to ease your aiming and give unfair advantage over your opponents.:-) The method launches the game in windowed fullscreen mode. Simple external crosshair overlay, requires. Net v4.5.It is all about the right settings for the games you play. Click and drag the crosshair to move Crossover around.